Monday, May 05, 2014


Every school day, I try to make it a point to ask the kids about the best parts of their day. Today, Isabel had a soccer game and afterwards Zak wanted to go to the park. Nobody had eaten dinner yet, so his request was denied and he responded with pouting and sulking.

When we finally got home and were eating dinner, I was able to do my usual routine. "Zak," I asked, "what was your favorite part of the day?"

His response: "Not the soccer game. I wanted to play at the park but, sadly, you wouldn't let me."

That "sadly" killed us. I love this kid.

Saturday, December 07, 2013


I hate the snow but even I had fun. My favorite part was offering to help push the kids down the hill but then jumping on to join in the ride instead!

Talking With the Big Guy

Zak had the opportunity to discuss his Christmas list with Santa yesterday. Transcript:

Zak: I want two.
Santa: Two light sabers? Why do you want two?
Zak: Because I like them.
Santa: Ok. If I just bring you one, would that be ok?

Zak's response? His expression says it all.

Friday, November 29, 2013

It's a Conspiracy

Just noticed this on the basement door...

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Write? Right.

What's that you say? Zak can write???

Do the underpants enhance or undermine his studious expression?

That's right folks, our little Shakespeare is learning that the pen is mightier than the Transformer (or something like that).

In case you can't read the handwriting, that's "Zak", "he", and "fan", all words that he can spell and write himself. He's also pretty good on the abacus. Watch out world, we're about to unleash another child genius!

Finally, Some Birthday Pictures!

Zak's been 4 for a while now but better a late post than none at all! He wanted his party at Buckeye Gymnastics so he could unleash his inner Tarzan.
Iron cross

 The kids were all pink-cheeked by the time they were through jumping, climbing, and tumbling.
The cheese pit

Luckily there was plenty of juice, cake, and ice cream to go around.

Chocolate cake by me, beautiful decorating by Oma

Sunday, March 31, 2013

Easter Bunnies

The kids have been just a little impatient for Easter to come:
Winter is coming... no, wait, that's Game of Thrones

Saturday we went to the town Easter egg hunt. This seemingly family-friendly event is actually one of the most terrifying proceedings I've experienced. It's like shaking up a box of bees and then letting them loose. Or maybe locusts would be a better analogy. Either way, both kids managed to elbow their way to some eggs before the swarm took them all.

Everyone got treats from the Easter bunny this morning, including our guests Grandpa and Pam. And the Easter brunch was the only time during the whole visit that my dad was quiet!